Facebook rupert murdochmasnicktechdirt

Now That Rupert Murdoch Has Convinced Governments To …

Now That Rupert Murdoch Has Convinced Governments To Force Facebook To Pay For News, Facebook No Longer Wants Anything To Do With News | Techdirt

6. jul. 2022 — Now That Rupert Murdoch Has Convinced Governments To Force Facebook To Pay For News, Facebook No Longer Wants Anything To Do With News.

This should surprise no one, but Joshua Benton, over at Nieman Lab, has a really fantastically well-reported article about how Facebook basically wants out of the news business entirely. It goes through multiple reasons why this is the case, but a big one is that Rupert Murdoch’s decade-long demands that Facebook and Google simply fork…

Rupert Murdoch Learns Why Intermediary Liability Protections …

Rupert Murdoch Learns Why Intermediary Liability Protections Matter: Australia Says Media Orgs Can Be Sued Over Facebook Comments | Techdirt

8. sep. 2021 — Rupert Murdoch Learns Why Intermediary Liability Protections Matter: Australia Says Media Orgs Can Be Sued Over Facebook Comments.

Ah, Australia. The country down under has always taken an upside down view on intermediary liability laws — quite quick to blame an intermediary for 3rd party content. Two years ago we wrote about a problematic ruling in Australia based on the idea that media companies (not just social media companies) could be held liable…

‘The Bizarre Reaction to Facebook’s Decision … – Daring Fireball

Daring Fireball: ‘The Bizarre Reaction to Facebook’s Decision to Get Out of the News Business in Australia’

18. feb. 2021 — Mike Masnick, writing at Techdirt: … Australia’s law is a bad one — it might as well have been written by Rupert Murdoch himself.

Techmeme on Twitter: “Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided …

Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for …

Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax … – Techmeme

Techmeme: Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for rejecting a link tax is bizarre (Mike Masnick/Techdirt)

Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for …

The essential tech news of the moment. Technology’s news site of record. Not for dummies.

Call it what it is – Helping Entrepreneurs Succeed

19. feb. 2021 — This was always “Rupert Murdoch v. the open web. … Decision To Get Out Of The News Business In Australia”, Mike Masnick, Techdirt.

facebook rupert murdochmasnicktechdirt – GSM NP

facebook rupert murdochmasnicktechdirt

facebook rupert murdochmasnicktechdirt. GSM-Abinash. December 18, 2022. Ad. Most people know Rupert Murdoch as the media mogul behind Fox News and The Wall …

Most people know Rupert Murdoch as the media mogul behind Fox News and The Wall Street Journal. But Murdoch is also a major player in the world of Facebook.

Australia is right — Facebook should pay up | The Seattle Times

22. feb. 2021 — Facebook went on the offensive last week, banning Australian news … that Australia — pushed heavily by Rupert Murdoch — has decided to put …

News publishers — in Australia and elsewhere — will continue losing a sizable share of their audience if Facebook cuts them off, and I suspect that Facebook would consider funding…

Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by …

Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for rejecting a link tax is bizarre (Mike Masnick/Techdirt) – Techmeme

18. feb. 2021 — Mike Masnick / Techdirt:Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and …

Mike Masnick / Techdirt:Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for rejecting a link tax is bizarreNone of this should have been a surprise. Back in September we wrote about Facebook publicly saying that if Australia went forward

Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by …

Mediagazer: Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and criticizing it for rejecting a link tax is bizarre (Mike Masnick/Techdirt)

18. feb. 2021 — Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Facebook’s refusal to pay a misguided media tax, pushed by Rupert Murdoch, is a defense of the open web and …

Mediagazer presents the day’s must-read media news on a single page.

Keywords: facebook rupert murdochmasnicktechdirt